Kids Corner: Nature Books Reading List

With school back in session, it's time to do some reading!

We thought it would be fun to put together a list of books about nature, parks, and the great outdoors for children of all ages. Check them out at your local library or choose SBPC when you shop with Amazon Smile. One of our personal favorites is "The Curious Garden" by Peter Brown. Happy reading!

"Planting a Rainbow," by Lois Ehlert
"Bee & Me," by Alison Jay
"Green," by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
"Compost Stew," by Mary McKenna Siddals
"The Curious Garden," by Peter Brown
"We Planted a Tree," by Diane Muldrow
"Outside In," by Deborah Underwood
"Plant the Tiny Seed," by Christie Matheson
"The Magic & Mystery of Trees," by Jen Green
"My Side of the Mountain," by Jean Craighead George
"The wondrous workings of planet earth," by Rachel Ignotofsky